This film tells the story of a cowardly young dinosaur, who lost his way home after a storm. He befriends a young human being in prehistoric times. They navigate the treacherous lands in search of their respective homes.The visuals in the film are quite stunning. The colours are vivid and bright, while the backdrop is always beautiful and at times even breathtaking. It's interesting to see a talking dinosaur, while the young human being behaves more like a dog, which is further reinforced by the name spot. I enjoyed the exciting and on occasion dangerous adventure they share together. It's an inspiring story to help children and adults find courage to conquer difficult times.
'Sentiment: Positive 🙂'
Another win for Disney Pixar. My 3&5 year old boys loved Arlo and spot. We prefaced this movie with The Land Before Time. My children were fully aware that when the first man evolved that it was a dangerous and scary place. It still is,just the predators are people mostly. I guess they aren't as sheltered as some of the other reviewers children. We laughed when they ate the hallucinogenic berries, and cried together when spot was reunited with his family.The art was absolutely spectacular and awe inspiring. All in all it is better than Planes and a little bit less than Wreck it Ralph.We have purchased it on Blu Ray to watch again and again
'Sentiment: Positive 🙂'
A devastatingly powerful movie about a pair of characters divided not only by race but by language learning to see themselves in each other. The narrative loses nothing from the human character being unable to express himself in a language intelligible to us, but it only gives us a chance to see a fresh type of visual storytelling and communication.With all the other charms it's studio usually gives, there will indeed be a loyal fanbase who will watch this movie as a matter of course.But if you are one of these people that has never really swooned for pixar as much as kids and college students like me did, this is one of the special ones.